By Joyce Edwards When you are hosting a live auction, there are many things that you need to consider in order to make it a successful event. A successful auction is more than just having your goods and a group of buyers. You need to invest more into details such as the auctioneer hosting it and the number of people in attendance. The public sale needs not be pretty but rather have many willing buyers with heavy pockets. To make your live auction AZ successful, this article shines light on some of the few guidelines you can follow in planning and undertaking your public sale. The first and most important thing to consider is the professional auctioneer you hire to conduct the sale. These professionals have handled several public sales before and understand exactly what such as events require. You can get references to a pro auctioneer from friends and colleagues in the business. Call them up, make arrangements for your sale and agree on the terms of payment. The pro is able ...
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