The toughest decision you will make in college, aside from choosing what school you will go to, is choosing your major. Do you want to get a computer science degree or do you want an accounting degree or do you wish to major is something else? While it is ideal to know what major you wish to study when you enroll as a freshman, it is normal for individuals to switch their majors at least once during their college career. All of us grow up as we attend university, and at one point or another we reevaluate the reason for why we chose our major.
Some professors like students who are active in class discussions, others like students who take the time to come them in their office after class to discuss the lecture. What one professor may find flattering another may find offensive. That is why getting to know your professors as individuals is important for your education and your future networking possibilities.
As the idea of equality and better working conditions started coming to fruition great leaders such as Henry Ford made further contributions by offering employees something more than pay. Ford brought innovation to the work place by cutting hours and doubling the minimum wage.
When deciding your major, also consider the life and luxuries you wish to have after college. If you want to make a lot of money and are fine with long hours, a business administration degree may be a great fit. Or if you want to earn the majority of your money of a couple months and want have the rest of the year to relax an accounting degree may be just right.
Now we understand better that if your employees are happy then they will be more productive. This may not have been the style during Dicken's time but we are producing much more than they ever did back then.
Basically the more you engage with your professors inside and outside of the class the more likely they are to remember you, listen to you and help you with your coursework. Hopefully by the end of the semester because of this constant interaction you will not only passed the class with flying colors but you will have fostered a mentoring relationship with your professor.
Because of the time an effort you have spent fostering this relationship, you now have a mentor is your career field that can help you navigate and network with industry contacts when it comes time to find a job. Although your professor may teach at a university and at times they can seem out of touch with the real world, you will be amazed at the people they know and the contacts they can help you make.
So when it comes to picking a major be honest with yourself about your strengths, your passions and your life goals. Don't succumb to pressure regarding which degree is more practical or worth it. If you are good with numbers or want to open a small business feel free to pursue that accounting or business management degree.
Some professors like students who are active in class discussions, others like students who take the time to come them in their office after class to discuss the lecture. What one professor may find flattering another may find offensive. That is why getting to know your professors as individuals is important for your education and your future networking possibilities.
As the idea of equality and better working conditions started coming to fruition great leaders such as Henry Ford made further contributions by offering employees something more than pay. Ford brought innovation to the work place by cutting hours and doubling the minimum wage.
When deciding your major, also consider the life and luxuries you wish to have after college. If you want to make a lot of money and are fine with long hours, a business administration degree may be a great fit. Or if you want to earn the majority of your money of a couple months and want have the rest of the year to relax an accounting degree may be just right.
Now we understand better that if your employees are happy then they will be more productive. This may not have been the style during Dicken's time but we are producing much more than they ever did back then.
Basically the more you engage with your professors inside and outside of the class the more likely they are to remember you, listen to you and help you with your coursework. Hopefully by the end of the semester because of this constant interaction you will not only passed the class with flying colors but you will have fostered a mentoring relationship with your professor.
Because of the time an effort you have spent fostering this relationship, you now have a mentor is your career field that can help you navigate and network with industry contacts when it comes time to find a job. Although your professor may teach at a university and at times they can seem out of touch with the real world, you will be amazed at the people they know and the contacts they can help you make.
So when it comes to picking a major be honest with yourself about your strengths, your passions and your life goals. Don't succumb to pressure regarding which degree is more practical or worth it. If you are good with numbers or want to open a small business feel free to pursue that accounting or business management degree.
About the Author:
At College America, we have college programs are designed to provide the real-world knowledge and skills necessary to begin your career with a Degree in Business administration to start or advance a career in today's marketplace with a college degree.
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