Power emergencies can happen unexpectedly at almost any moment. When they do occur, they're not only inconvenient they can be downright dangerous. Losing power during a nasty, winter ice storm perfectly exemplifies this danger. Utility power outages can be costly in terms of failing refrigerators and flooding basements. Having access to a source of backup power can often mean the difference between a freezing home without light and heat and getting through the difficulties with some basic comforts and modern conveniences.
Transportable, backup power can also be useful for outdoor events, remote construction sites or even roadside emergencies. Portable power can provide peace of mind and security under difficult conditions.
Duracell Powerpacks were specifically designed and built to provide backup power whenever or wherever it may be needed. These stand-alone, rechargeable backup power units can supply electricity to AC, DC and USB equipment and devices including computers, radios, cell phones, televisions, lights and so on. Powerpacks are so reliable they can even jump-start your car on a cold, frosty morning!
The Powerpacks obtain their energy from an internal, sealed AGM (Absorption Glass Mat) battery. These batteries can be recharged from a standard AC outlet or a DC source such as a cigarette lighter. Solar cells can also be used to charge a Powerpack.
And since Powerpacks don't burn fuel, there are no toxic exhaust gases to deal with. These systems may be used safely indoors without risk of any hazards which is a nice advantage.
The compact, lightweight Powerpacks are easy to transport and store. They fit comfortably in the closet, the trunk of a car or even in a boat. They're also great complements to fossil fuel powered portable or standby generators.
Powerpacks come in three essential sizes including the Powerpack 300, the Powerpack 450 and the Powerpack 600. Each model has its own unique features and advantages that are designed to meet any energy challenge. All Powerpack units can supply either AC or DC power.
The Powerpack 300 supplies three hundred watts of power and is capable of jump-starting a four cylinder engine. The Powerpack 450 provides four hundred and fifty watts of power and is able to jump-start four and six cylinder engines. The Powerpack 600 generates six hundred watts of power and is powerful enough to start an eight cylinder engine.
Powerpacks have essential built-in safety features including overload and polarity safety detection to prevent charging in the event that the jumper cables are connected to the wrong battery terminals. Duracell Powerpacks are marvelous systems designed to meet any power emergency.
Transportable, backup power can also be useful for outdoor events, remote construction sites or even roadside emergencies. Portable power can provide peace of mind and security under difficult conditions.
Duracell Powerpacks were specifically designed and built to provide backup power whenever or wherever it may be needed. These stand-alone, rechargeable backup power units can supply electricity to AC, DC and USB equipment and devices including computers, radios, cell phones, televisions, lights and so on. Powerpacks are so reliable they can even jump-start your car on a cold, frosty morning!
The Powerpacks obtain their energy from an internal, sealed AGM (Absorption Glass Mat) battery. These batteries can be recharged from a standard AC outlet or a DC source such as a cigarette lighter. Solar cells can also be used to charge a Powerpack.
And since Powerpacks don't burn fuel, there are no toxic exhaust gases to deal with. These systems may be used safely indoors without risk of any hazards which is a nice advantage.
The compact, lightweight Powerpacks are easy to transport and store. They fit comfortably in the closet, the trunk of a car or even in a boat. They're also great complements to fossil fuel powered portable or standby generators.
Powerpacks come in three essential sizes including the Powerpack 300, the Powerpack 450 and the Powerpack 600. Each model has its own unique features and advantages that are designed to meet any energy challenge. All Powerpack units can supply either AC or DC power.
The Powerpack 300 supplies three hundred watts of power and is capable of jump-starting a four cylinder engine. The Powerpack 450 provides four hundred and fifty watts of power and is able to jump-start four and six cylinder engines. The Powerpack 600 generates six hundred watts of power and is powerful enough to start an eight cylinder engine.
Powerpacks have essential built-in safety features including overload and polarity safety detection to prevent charging in the event that the jumper cables are connected to the wrong battery terminals. Duracell Powerpacks are marvelous systems designed to meet any power emergency.
About the Author:
If you want to learn more more about Duracell Powerpacks, please visit Duracell Powerpacks.
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