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For Powder Coating Surrey BC Is Worth Visiting

By Virginia Richardson

Powder coating is a method of applying finish on surfaces, and it finds use in both industrial and residential settings. The finish that is applied through this method serves many purposes, including being protective as well as decorative. The coat can be applied on a variety of surfaces, materials, and products. This technology is among the fastest growing in North American markets. At the moment, it makes up over ten percent of the entire industrial finishing applications. When one needs Powder Coating Surrey BC Offers the perfect location to visit.

This technology was first introduced in the United States more than forty years ago, and it has continued to grow at a high speed. It presents many advantages to users that make it very popular and suitable for use in a number of applications. For instance, with this method, no job can be considered to be too big or too small. That means that it can be applied on objects and surfaces of any size without discrimination.

Unmatched durability is another advantage that this technique presents to users. After application the colors used usually retain their brightness and vibrancy for quite long. Also, the final coat is damage-resistant to external factors like weather elements, tears, and forces of wear. This means that the resistance it offers is effective against corrosion, chipping, fading, wearing, and scratching.

The powders necessary for the process are available in a wide variety hence users are presented with several options to pick from. As such, producing any color that one prefers it very possible. The available colors are both high and low gloss with metallic and clear finishes. A person may include texture into the final finish. Such textures may vary from smooth to wrinkle. The imperfections of a surface can also be concealed by it a rough texture.

Environmental friendliness is another very important benefit that this method is associated with. Unlike liquid finishes that contain pollutants in the form of volatile organic compounds, the powders used in this process do not contain solvents of any form. The powders are used in dry form. As such, the amounts of VOCs emitted into the environment only happen in negligible amounts.

The process also presents minimum waste generation because the sources of waste are not present. Wastage of powder is prevented by the attraction of particles to the substrate through electrostatic forces. Powder that spills to the ground can also be recovered easily. Recovery can also be done for powders that are over-sprayed onto the substrate.

Still on environmental friendliness, considering that the powders utilized contain no solvents and lack VOCs, they are perfectly safe to the environment. As such, their disposal is easier as they can be safely disposed into the environment without risking any dangers. It is for this reason that the process has a green light for use in every country as an environment friendly technology.

Finally, one can save a lot of money from using powder coating. One of the major ways through which one can save money from using this process is the reduced amount of waste generated. It is also much cheaper to buy powders that are used in this process in comparison to liquid paints. Also, it is easier to perform this process as a result of lack of stringent regulations.

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